Featured Lesson Plans
Inside the Egg, Hatching Chicks
Grades K-2
Investigate embryo development in chicken eggs.
Eggs: From Hen to Home
Grades 3-5
Trace the production path of eggs, beginning on the farm and ending in your home.
Climate Change Phenomena: Bananas in Our Breadbasket?
Grades 6-8
Explore the carbon cycle and evaluate associated phenomena of climate as you discover the impact climate change could have on the farms that produce our food.
Pig Power: Creating Biogas and Renewable Energy
Grades 9-12
After exploring the science of energy and energy conversion, evaluate environmental impacts of hog farming and explore technologies that minimize it.
Featured Companion Resources
“Chickenology” by Barbara Sandri
Chickenology takes young readers on a fascinating and informative tour of chickens. With a playful tone and irresistibly charming illustrations, this lively visual encyclopedia presents chickens in all of their feathered glory. Discover the incredible variety of chickens with different origins, breeds and feather patterns. Learn incredible facts: did you know that chickens can learn to count up to four and have excellent hearing? Many even like to listen to music!
Science in Your Shopping Cart
We pay less for food than citizens of other nations; the United States enjoys the cheapest food in the world. Each year, dozens of improved products and new varieties of fruits, nuts, and vegetables emerge from the laboratories and greenhouses of the Agricultural Research Service. But walking through the grocery store, do we ever consider where such an abundance and variety of food and products come from?
Popular Resource
Discover a wealth of resources offering practical information about gardening, including engaging lesson plans and activities to integrate gardening into core curriculum.
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Can’t find what you’re looking for? We update our featured lesson plans page monthly; however, all of our lesson plans are available year-round on the Ag Literacy Curriculum Matrix.