Featured Lesson Plans

Baa, Ram, Ewe... Sheep Tales
Grades K-2
Explore the process of making wool into cloth.

From Wool to Wheel
Grades 3-5
Spin, weave and dye wool to explore how wool was processed in Colonial times.

A Recipe for Genetics: Selective Breeding and Bioengineering
Grades 6-8
Identify technologies that have changed the way humans affect the inheritance of desired traits in organisms; compare and contrast selective breeding methods to bioengineering techniques; and analyze data to determine the best solution for cultivating desired traits in organisms.

Discover Agriculture Careers — One Problem at a Time
Grades 6-8 & 9-12
Explore agricultural career pathways from a lens of problem solving to recognize the challenges that will need to be addressed in the next generation of careers. Also, use a decision matrix to assess job characteristics and determine which career aligns best with your preferences and goals.

Featured Companion Resources

“Sheepology: The Ultimate Encyclopedia” by Ilaria Demonti
Discover all there is to know about sheep in all their woolly glory in “Sheepology,” a delightfully illustrated guide ewe will flock to again and again. Did you know that sheep do not like to be alone and get along well with other animals? Or that a sheep was the first mammal to be cloned by humans? Have you ever wondered how sheep's milk turns into cheese? Or how sheep are shorn and wool is made into cloth? These and other intriguing and engaging facts can be found in this visual encyclopedia.

Discover Agriculture Careers Resource Kit
Agricultural career options encompass a diverse range of opportunities, from hands-on farming and ranching to cutting-edge research in biotechnology and sustainability. You can explore roles in agronomy, animal science, agricultural engineering, food science, agribusiness management, environmental conservation, precision agriculture, and more. This kit includes a poster, career information cards highlighting 48 careers, and 100 Discover Agriculture stickers. Order this kit online from agclassroomstore.com.

Popular Resource

NAITC School Garden Center

Discover a wealth of resources offering practical information about gardening, including engaging lesson plans and activities to integrate gardening into core curriculum.

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Can’t find what you’re looking for? We update our featured lesson plans page monthly; however, all of our lesson plans are available year-round on the Ag Literacy Curriculum Matrix.