New Lesson Plans

What is a Farm?
Grades K-2
Discover that there are many different types of farms that grow and raise a variety of products we use daily and investigate what farmers do.

Aquaculture Adventures
Grades 3-5
Investigate a variety of aquaculture food products, discover how and where they are grown and raised, and explore their nutritional benefits.

Featured Lesson Plans

Food Scientist for a Day
Grades 6-8
Focus on the science involved in food production and explore the high-tech aspects of agricultural production as you learn about careers in food science.

Tracing the Agricultural Supply Chain
Grades 9-12
Explore the complexity of global commodity chains and discover how economics, politics, infrastructure, and other conditions affect global food distribution.

Featured Companion Resources

About Books
Make books with your class! The kit includes ready-to-copy booklet masters and enough samples of wool, hay, straw, soybeans, tissue paper and chicken feed for the entire class to create the booklets. Order this kit online from

“Big Farms, Little Farms” by Chase Pagel
Farmers work hard to give us the food or products we need to survive. Learn about many different types of farmers including dairy, fruit and vegetable, maple syrup, beekeepers, animal farming, orchards, and Christmas tree farms.

Popular Resource

NAITC School Garden Center

Discover a wealth of resources offering practical information about gardening, including engaging lesson plans and activities to integrate gardening into core curriculum.

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Can’t find what you’re looking for? We update our featured lesson plans page monthly; however, all of our lesson plans are available year-round on the Ag Literacy Curriculum Matrix.