Enroll in Louisiana Ag in the Classroom Virtual Training this summer to learn about growing microgreens in the classroom.

Louisiana Ag in the Classroom is looking for 25 Louisiana Pre-K-12 teachers from a variety of subject areas to enroll in our new, free summer professional development program. The deadline to enroll is June 21.

Participant Requirements:

  • Beginners are welcome! No prior experience is necessary to enroll.

  • Submit the enrollment form.

  • Agree to complete the online microgreens course this July and prepare to teach a hands-on microgreens lesson to your students this August. (We estimate approximately 6-10 hours of total teacher time commitment, including: completing the virtual training, selecting a microgreens lesson/activity from a variety of options, planning your August lesson, prepping the materials needed to complete the hands-on student experience, and executing your prepared microgreens experience with your students in August.)

  • Submit your feedback and evaluation of the course by August 30.

Once enrolled, you will receive:

  • a welcome email with more details and links to the online training

  • 20 teachers will be selected to receive a free microgreens growing kit—valued at $100—that includes a grow light, fan, seeds and grow mats. (Five teachers will be selected as alternates to receive a grow kit if one of the selected teachers is unable to complete the course.)

  • teacher support in implementing hands-on microgreens lesson with your students

  • Certificates for Continuing Learning Units (CLUs) will be provided; however, AITC cannot guarantee that local education agencies or other organizations will accept these CLUs for credit.

Contact us at LouisianaAITC@gmail.com