Louisiana Ag in the Classroom

The annual award recognizes a Louisiana teacher for achievements and efforts in teaching students the importance of agriculture.

Certified teachers integrating agriculture concepts into non-agricultural curricula and currently engaged in classroom instruction at the Pre-K–12th grade levels. Past winners are eligible to apply ten years following their award.


  • Trip to the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference, June 23–26 in Minneapolis, MN (valued at up to $1,500)

  • $500 Cash Award

  • Apple iPad

Teachers must use and show evidence of the use of agricultural information and/or materials within the classroom curriculum in an effort to assist students in learning the importance of agriculture. Instruction may include, but is not limited to: understanding the importance and value of agriculture in students' daily lives; understanding the relationships among agriculture, food and fiber production, animals, health, energy systems, technology, economics, and the environment; identifying and understanding the connections between academic content areas and agricultural careers including, but not limited to, STEM careers; understanding the overall connectedness between STEM and agriculture. Innovative, integrated and interdisciplinary programs are encouraged.

To earn this distinction, the selected applicant should include numerous, varied evidence of the teacher’s infusion of agricultural concepts throughout the curriculum and school year. Evidence of specific lessons and activities from the Louisiana Ag in the Classroom website and the NAITC Matrix will enhance the application.


A) Educator Narrative (four-page limit): Do not use any identifying information (name, parish, school) in your narrative.

Describe methods of integrating and instructing one or more of the following National Agricultural Literacy Outcomes (NALOs) in the teacher’s classroom throughout the school year and curricular areas. How is the theme (or themes) used to increase agricultural literacy? Note on the first line of the narrative which theme(s) is/are addressed:

  1. Agriculture and the Environment

  2. Plants and Animals for Food, Fiber and Energy

  3. Food, Health and Lifestyle

  4. Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

  5. Culture, Society, Economy and Geography

For additional information on the national agricultural literacy themes visit: https://cdn.agclassroom.org/nat/data/get/NALObooklet.pdf.

B) Infusion of Agricultural Concepts in the Entire Classroom and School Year (two-page limit): Indicates a monthly timeline of lessons used to expose students to agricultural concepts. Give evidence of the use of specific activities found on the LA AITC website or the NAITC Matrix. The submitted lesson plan (item C) should be one of many that are used to expose students to agricultural concepts.

C) Exemplary Lesson Plan (six-page limit): Submit one lesson plan, which illustrates the agricultural literacy teaching method as described in the narrative. (Be sure to give credit to the appropriate sources, if applicable.) Evaluation criteria includes use of standards-based, formal education practices for teaching agricultural literacy, which are integrated into multiple academic content areas rather than a single subject area. Evaluation also includes critical thinking aspects, ones which encourage problem-solving by learners for a deeper understanding of agricultural issues. Do not use any identifying information (name, parish, school) in the lesson plan. Please include the following content according to the order below in the lesson plan:

  1. Title of the lesson

  2. Brief purpose of the lesson

  3. Grade level(s) addressed

  4. Time length of lesson

  5. Objective of the lesson

  6. Standards addressed (limit the standards list to no more than one-half page)

  7. National Agricultural Literacy Outcomes (NALOs) addressed https://cdn.agclassroom.org/nat/data/get/NALObooklet.pdf

  8. Materials list

  9. Vocabulary or key words

  10. Instructor procedures

  11. Additional resource(s) which enhance the lesson, no external links. Screenshots or worksheet images may be used to illustrate student components.

  12. Resources used from the LA AITC website or the NAITC Matrix

  13. Assessment (list five essential questions that students should understand and be able to answer after having been taught the lesson)

D) Education Practices: The degree to which formal education practices for an integrated, innovative, standards-based lesson plan with demonstrated understanding of accurate agricultural literacy will be evaluated from the educator narrative (A), monthly time frame (B) and lesson plan (C).

E) Documentation and Photos (four-page limit): Applicants compile photos and other documentation of instruction on agricultural literacy. Please use quality images and add a brief caption at the bottom of each photo to describe the activity. No external links may be used. Save this file as a PDF. Do not use any identifying information (name, parish, school) in documentation and photos.

F) Formatting the Application For Submission: Use a 12-point font, double-spaced with one-inch margins. Each applicant should clearly label the parts of their application and submit them with the following format for each electronic PDF file: name, document title.


Jane Doe Application Form.pdf
Jane Doe Narrative.pdf
Jane Doe Monthly Timeline.pdf
Jane Doe Lesson Plan.pdf
Jane Doe Documentation.pdf


All applications must be submitted using the JotForm online application. No handwritten forms will be accepted. Applications must be electronically submitted by January 31, 2025 at 11:59pm CST. Winner will be announced by April 1, 2025.