The origin of watermelons has been traced back to the deserts of southern Africa, where they still grow wild today. The ancestor of the modern watermelon is a tough, drought-tolerant plant prized for its ability to store water for tribes crossing the Kalahari.

The first recorded watermelon harvest occurred about 5,000 years ago in Egypt and is depicted in Egyptian hieroglyphics on the walls of their ancient buildings. Watermelons were often placed in the burial tombs of kings to nourish them in the afterlife.

From there, watermelons were brought to countries along the Mediterranean Sea by way of merchant ships. By the 10th century, watermelon found its way to China, which is now the world's top producer of watermelons.

The 13th century found watermelons spreading through the rest of Europe via the Moors.

You need three things to grow watermelon: sun, bees and water.

Farmers generally grow watermelon in rows (8-12 feet apart) and in raised beds (4-12 inches high) composed of well-drained, sandy soils. Tiny watermelon plants from a nursery are transplanted into soil beds.

Honeybees must pollinate every yellow watermelon blossom in order for it to produce fruit.

In a month, a vine may spread 6-8 feet, and within 60 days, the vine produces its first watermelons.

The crop is ready to harvest within 3 months.

The rind of a watermelon is not as tough as it looks, so watermelon are handpicked. Watermelon pickers look for a pale or buttery yellow spot on the bottom of the watermelon, indicating ripeness.


Watermelon is an incredibly healthy, sweet and tasty summertime fruit. In fact, it has one of the highest lycopene levels among fresh produce—about 15-20 milligrams per 2-cup serving.

Watermelon is also an excellent source of vitamins C, A and B6.

Vitamin A in watermelon supports optimal eye health and boosts immunity by enhancing the infection-fighting power of white blood cells called lymphocytes.

Vitamin B6 in watermelon helps the immune system produce antibodies, which fight disease. It also helps maintain normal nerve function and aids the formation of red blood cells. Your body uses vitamin B6 to break down proteins; the more protein you eat, the more vitamin B6 you need.

Vitamin C in watermelon bolsters the immune system's defenses against infections and viruses and protects the body from harmful free radicals that can accelerate aging and conditions like cataracts.

A 2-cup serving of watermelon is a great source of potassium, a mineral found inside every cell that regulates water balance. People with low potassium levels may experience muscle cramps.


More than 300 varieties of watermelon are cultivated in the United States and South America, where complementary growing seasons provide a year-round supply of watermelon in an array of shapes, colors and sizes. Because there are so many varieties, they are often grouped according to characteristics, like fruit shape, rind color or pattern and size.

The most common watermelon options are:

  • Seeded: This classic watermelon comes in a wide range of sizes. (15-45 pounds, round, long and oblong)

  • Seedless: Due to high demand, the majority of watermelon cultivars grown today are seedless, and they are getting redder and crisper thanks to seed breeding advancements. They are not the result of genetic engineering, but rather hybridization—the crossing of two different types of watermelons. (10-25 pounds, round to oblong)

  • Mini: Petite “personal watermelons” are easy to handle and their thinner rinds can mean more flesh per pound. Hollow them out for a compostable serving bowl. (1-7 pounds, round)

  • Yellow & Orange: These varieties lack the lycopene that gives red-fleshed watermelon its color. Yellow and orange varieties add a surprising element to the plate or glass. (10-30 pounds, round)


  • By weight, watermelon is the most-consumed melon in the United States, followed by cantaloupe and honeydew.

  • The first cookbook published in the United States in 1796, American Cookery by Amelia Simmons, contained a recipe for watermelon rind pickles.

  • According to Guinness World Records, the world's heaviest watermelon was grown by Chris Kent of Sevierville, Tennessee, in 2013—weighing in at 350.5 pounds.


  • Hybridization - the crossing of two different types of watermelons

  • Rind - the firm white part of the watermelon fruit that is left behind after the bright pink flesh has been eaten or scooped away

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